News & Events


JULY 20, 2024

ACCIDENTS, finalist for the Sunshine Coast Writers and Editors Society Book Awards.  

Included here are the Poetry, Fiction and Nonfiction categories. Others are children & Young Adult, Youth (under 18), Sunshine Coast Voices, Diverse Voices and Indigenous Voices. Congratulations to all!

September 10, 2024

upcoming publication of Yours, Befana: A Letter from the Winter Witch, (Greystone Kids,), the English translation from the Italian of Vostra Befana, by Barbara Cuoghi and Elenia Baretta. A delightful picture book, with the most gorgeous illustrations.

June 27, 2024

BC Booklook

April 22, 2024

ACCIDENTS on the shortlist for 

Di Cicco Poetry Prize.

April 11, 2024

There’s a Poem for That: Genni Gunn + ACCIDENTS

Genni Gunn discusses how she explores the various accidental events that shape lives in her poetry collection ACCIDENTS (Signature Editions), and shares a poem for small victories.



April 22, 2022

Virtual book Launch of ACCIDENTS, new poetry collection 

May 30, 2022    

Italian INTERVIEW in L’Edicola Del Sud, BARI

Re: Italian translation of TRACING IRIS

May 29, 2022


Flaneurs Edizioni, BARI, Italian translation of TRACING IRIS 

August 22, 2022

Italian INTERVIEW in Il Piccolo, TRIESTE

September 5 — October 5, 2022

Italian tour for ALLA RICERCA DI IRIS, the Italian translation of TRACING IRIS 

        September 5:     Libreria "Racconti Ritrovati" – via Val Maira 71/A-73, ROMA, Moderator: Dacia Maraini 

        September 11:     Rassegna “Dillo con un libro” – Cortile Castello, RUTIGLIANO

        September 12:    Libreria Campus – Via Toma 76, BARI, Moderator: Alessio Rega (Editore)

        September 22:    Il Giardino Segreto – Area Verde Camollia 85, SIENA, Modera tor: Sabrina Pirri

        September 23:    Biblioteca Comunale “Lorenzo Quartieri,”  FORTE DEI MARMI; Moderator: Laura Failli

        September 26:    IIS Galilei-Artiglio – Via Aurelia Nord 342, VIAREGGIO, Moderator: Laura Failli

        September 28 — October 1:    Conference at the Università degli Studi di Torino – Via S.Ottavio 18, TORINO

        October 3:           Università degli Studi di Udine – Via Palladio 8, UDINE, Moderator: Deborah Saidero 

        October 4:           Libreria “Friuli” – Via dei Rizzani 1, UDINE, various presenters and actors 

September 15, 2022   

Interview in Italian for Morel Voci Dall’Isola

October 27, 2022  

Poetry reading, Granville Island Brewing Room, Vancouver


January 5, 2021

“Birth Stones” nominated for BEST AMERICAN TRAVEL WRITING 2021

January 2021

Translations from Italian of two poems by Ada Donati in subTerrain Issue #87 Tales from the Pandemic

January 27, 2021

Interview in Writers block, All Lit Up

April 27, 2022

Essay “Locating the Traveller: Genni Gunn and Nostalgia on the Move” by Sylvia Terzian and Veronica Austen


“Gunn initiates new ways of thinking about return by taking the migrant traveler as its central figure and envisioning home as a “practice of displacement” (Evelein 21) wherein “home” is not achievable through physical return, but through memory…”

May 19, 2021

PERMANENT TOURISTS finalist for ReLit Award

July 26, 2021

Interview in Accenti Magazine 

October 25, 2021

Review of PERMANENT TOURISTS in The British Columbia Review


April 2020

“Birth Stones” is a travel essay set in Matera, Italy, a UNESCO Heritage Site. 

In Italy, known as I Sassi — the stones. Published in NOWHERE Magazine: People / Place / Time

May 27, 2020

“From the Road to the Writing Desk”: travel in Writing

July 2020

“Erasures” is one of the short stories in the new collection, PERMANENT TOURISTS. 

Honourable Mention in the Prairie Fire Fiction Contest. Published in Prairie Fire. 

October  28, 2020

Virtual launch of PERMANENT TOURISTS, with host Hal Wake

October 8, 2020

Whistler Festival Blog regarding the origin of one of the stories, “Erasures”

October 16, 2020

Whistler Writers’ Festival Online Literary Cabaret

© 2023 Genni Gunn